Storage File Boxes Orlando and Cool Gadgets For Your Desk
For years, stacks of paper have been accumulating on your desk, in your drawers and even in the space under your desk, it has gotten a little out of hand to be sure. Your desk has enough room for your computer, phone, cup of coffee and a few other assorted items. You are starting to feel a little cramped in your workspace.
You decided to lodge a complaint and management has seen fit to resolve your space crisis by utilizing storage file boxes for Orlando-based Shred Monkey. In just a matter of minutes, your workspace has gone from a cluttered mess to a peaceful place with abundant space.
Just what are you planning on doing with all of that extra space?
We suggest you brighten things up by transforming your desk into your favorite place. You do this with some cool gadgets we have found on the internet.
USB Mini Vacuum
Even activities like cleaning up around your computer are a whole lot more fun when you get to use a vacuum built in miniature scale. Search the web for mini USB vacuum and you will have to have one of these to suck up all of the crumbs at your desk. In fact, this mini vacuum will make you the envy of the office not because it keeps your desk so clean, but rather because it is so fun to use.
Otter Tape Dispenser
You don’t have to get an otter tape dispenser per se, there are, after all, any number of funky, creative or otherwise cool tape dispensers that should adorn your desk. We did a quick Google search and discovered frog tape dispensers, snail tape dispensers and even a tape dispenser that has a ninja on it. A ninja tape dispenser is just the coolest thing.
USB Refrigerator
We found a USP refrigerator that holds one can of soda that will chill your Pepsi or Mountain Dew to the perfect temperature and hold it there until your parched lips need a refreshing beverage.
When you juggle work and home life, you rarely have enough time to hit the gym as often and for as long as you would like. Actually, you hate the gym and would rather suffer a noisy tummy while in a meeting than go for a workout.
We feel your pain, gyms aren’t the best places to be when you get off work. But you still need something to help you keep relatively fit. The solution is the DeslCycle that is simply slipped under your now clean desk so you can pedal your way to fitness.
This mini exercise bike enables you to burn calories and tone your legs all while making sales calls, writing a report or surfing Facebook when you should be working. It is also a great way to save money on your gym fees.
Desktop Punching Ball
We imagine there are any number of colleagues you feel like punching in the face from time to time, probably some clients as well. Since you should avoid hitting other people in the face, especially co-workers and clients, we suggest you adorn your desk with a mini punching ball you can strike when the need arises.